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Revenge Of Lakshmana

Revenge Of Lakshmana

Laxman’s injury was all right now. He had totally cured of the wound and it was only a scar that remained. The scar was there but Laxmana wanted to remove the bad memory associated with it. He had meditated and remembered all the things that he had learnt and all the war tactics he knew. There was nothing now that could stop him from killing Indrajit. The army also had made a strategy to hinder the Yagna of Indrajit. If the two things works perfectly fine, Laxmana would emerge victorious and no one could beat the duo of Rama and Laxmana.

The army had the perfect plan to hinder the Yagna of Indrajit. They made sure that they were at the place before the war started. Hanuman and Nala were the people who were assigned the task of making sure that Indrajit could not complete his Yagna. As Indrajit came and started setting up the Yagna, either of the Vanaras would quickly go and destroy the setting that Indrajit had made. This infuriated him and he started to find where the Vanaras are coming from. He searched for a long time. The Vanaras were skilled in stealth as they could easily move around in trees. Hanuman made sure that the Yagna fire was never lit up. Nala made sure that Indrajit was never able to find them. Thus, they wasted all the time of Indrajit and now, it was time for war. The sun was about to rise and the war was beginning.

Laxmana saw Indrajit coming and this time, he was without the special chariot that granted him invulnerability and immortality. He knew that the Yagna was disturbed and it did not take place. He had a smile on his face and he knew that this is the end of Indrajit. He called him out and started attacking him with arrows.

Indrajit saw this and started countering him with arrows. Each arrow was countered perfectly by Indrajit. He said to Laxmana.

“ it is impossible to kill me. You might have succeeded in making sure that the Yagna does not happen but you do not know that I can only be killed by someone who has not slept for 14 years. Do not waste your time and energy trying to kill me. You would be killed again. It was by fluke that you survived. This time, I would ensure that you are killed before you even leave the battlefield. “

Laxmana replied,

“ O arrogant demon, if it were not for the celestial weapon from Brahma, I could have easily countered it. It was to keep his respect and make sure that Lord Brahma’s weapon does not go waste that I let myself succumb to that weapon. Also, you are doomed today. I have not slept for 14 years ever since Rama and I came to exile. Prepare for your death, you worthless demon. Let us see who leaves the field in a chariot and who leaves in the shroud of death!”

Click here to read about Strategy To Stop The Unstoppable Indrajit.

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